Won't You Come, too? The sunshine, the breeze, the blossoms and all the green tell me to get outside and make the most of this April day. And so, I close the computer, silence the phone and head to my happy place. I breathe easier as I close Green Valley's gate behind me. I know this is going to be good. It's the fun thing to do ! I will throw open the cottage windows and let the curtains dance in the breeze. I will spend some time "playing house" with new treasures I've found on my most recent shopping trips. I will toss my journal into the bike's basket and head to the lake. Maybe even be bold enough to put my toes into the cold water. I feel better already ! Green Valley clears my mind, chases away the world's noise. This is the way a day was meant to be spent. It's a grand day for enjoying life. Why don't you come to Green Valley, too.
December 2024
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